Main services of the enterprise

quality service in the automotive- and electronical industry which contains quality inspection and rework.

business management software development

develop, implement and maintain management control systems according to ISO standards.


Our IT systems

> Our corporate governance solution with online invoicing module

> Municipality Data Processing System

> Archiving program

> Software development for individual needs

Sorting actions and rework

Our product control-related fields of activity are the following:

> selection and, if necessary, reworking of the supplier products

> quality control of own products

> final control at the supplier’s premises

> representation of suppliers

ORQA Industrial 3D Polymer Printer

A printer capable of producing the largest FDM prints available on the market.

In addition to large-format printing, it also offers the possibility of small-format printing, high-volume production, and the manufacturing of parts for road vehicles and vehicle engines.

Introduction of the company

The company was founded in 1998 under the name SQS Bt. by the owner László Karakó, who is also the company's managing director. Due to the gradual growth of the market, the size of the company increased continuously, and in April 2001 it was transformed into a limited liability company.

Our goal is to provide a quality service in which we fulfill the expectations and needs of our customers at the highest professional level, with minimal expenditure, thus achieving the satisfaction of our customers and the effectiveness of our business.


  • Certificate / ISO 9001

  • Certificate / ISO 14001

  • Certificate / ISO 45001


2021. March 18.

Current news

Since January 2018, the scope of our activities has been extended, so we offer and provide the following engineering and IT services to our clients.

Contact details / Contact

Address: 1 Sárvár str., Szombathely, H–9700
Phone: +36 94 506-805, +36 94 506-803
Fax: +36 94 506-820


Address: 5126 Jászfényszaru, Samsung tér 2